Work package 8

Training and Networking
Lead beneficiary : SWRI
      Start Month    1              End Month    36
Participant numberShort name of participantPerson months per participant

• To facilitate fusion of expertise, transfer of technology and know-how.
• To provide training in key stakeholders and young-scientists, towards the operational use of MEDSAL tools and future research endeavors targeted to MEDSAL goals.
• To establish networks and synergies between interested parties and support MEDSAL beyond its lifetime.

Description of work

This WP will provide training on MEDSAL tools and methods to critical target groups, such as the local key stakeholders and the young-scientists, both acting as potential multipliers of the Project’s operational use and expected impacts. It also aspires to create synergies between academia, stakeholders, and local communities, towards the implementation of MEDSAL Framework in coastal Mediterranean regions. The work package aims at creating a stimulating scientific community of researchers and stakeholders sharing results, creating common understanding and providing learning tools to be used by and incorporated into academic training, professional training and policy briefing.

WPsTasks LeadersPPs InvolvedDuration
T8.1Training workshops for web-GIS ObservatorySWRIALLM26-M34
T8.2Mobility, training and know-how exchange of young scientists SWRIALLM26-M34
T8.3Web-Conferencing events THLALLM26-M34
T8.4MEDSAL Public events and raising awareness activitiesSWRIALLM24-M36
T8.5Establishment and Operation of MEDSAL Network FSTALLM1-M36