Info days in pilot sites – Medsal Day
Salinization of critical groundwater reserves in coastal Mediterranean areas: Identification, Risk Assessment, and Sustainable Management with the use of integrated modeling and smart ICT tools.
Feb. 24, 2023
09:00 a.m. – DICATECh Board Room – Bari Polytechnic University
The activities of the EU-PRIMA-MEDSAL Project, which began in September 2019 and has now reached its conclusion, saw the Mesozoic aquifer of Salento as an operational theater.
The MEDSAL Day is dedicated to the illustration of these activities, but above all of the results of interest of the private, public and research institutions involved in the collection, distribution, use, management and study of the underground water resources of Salento.
The main themes proposed intend to help answer some key questions:
- What are the groundwater problems in context of the Salento aquifer?
- Is it possible to improve monitoring practices in the light of these (old and emerging) problems and risks related to the current climate change?
- What management actions should be in place for adequate asset protection.
The application of statistical techniques, data processing, modeling and geostatistics to chemical monitoring data (chemical, physical and isotopic), time series deriving from hydrogeological sensors and multi-parametric profiles has provided new elements of knowledge regarding:
- response times of the Salento deep aquifer to the input climate (recharge, meteorological drought),
- hydraulic behavior of the aquifer system,
- dynamics and evolution of groundwater salinization,
- background salinization indicators and thresholds,
- emerging pollution and overall vulnerability of the resource
Everything will be framed within a conceptual model of the “aquifer system” updated on the basis of the redefinition of regional flows and new geo-structural scenarios.
9.00 Greetings Magnificent Prof. Eng. F. Cupertino Prof. Eng. L. Damiani
Rector of the Polytechnic of Bari Director of DICATE Ch
9.20 am-Dr. Ing. A. Parisi The EU-
9.30 am- PRIMA MEDSAL Project (2019-2023): scope, purpose and development of activities Ing. MR Alfio Short Time Series Analysis and correlations between climatic indicators and groundwater levels: hydrodynamic characterization of the Mesozoic aquifer of Salento 9.50 Dr. Ing. A. Parisi Punctual sensors and multi-parameter profiles in coastal aquifers: temporal evolution of the three-dimensional distribution of salinity.
10.10 am -Prof. Ing. G. Balacco.
Safeguarding freshwater in the anthropized coastal context
10.30 am -Coffee Break
10.50 am- Prof. Ing. G. Balacco: Dynamics of salinization through the combined application of multivariate statistical techniques (MSVA) and hydrochemical facies analysis (HFD)
11.10 am -Prof MD Fidelibus: Geochemistry and isotope hydrology: elements for a new conceptualization of the salinization mechanisms of the Mediterranean coastal aquifers.
11.30am -Prof MD Fidelibus: Conclusions – Geo-structures, regional flows and anthropic inputs: effects of the updated conceptual model of the Salento “aquifer system” on groundwater monitoring and management practices.
1.50 am -Head of Round Table:
Dirigente Sez. Risorse Idriche Regione Puglia Secretary General-
Andrea Zotti
District Basin Authority App. Meridionale-
Dott.ssa Vera Corbelli
General Manager AIP-
Dott. Cosimo F. Ingrosso
General Manager AQP S.p.A.-
Dott.ssa Francesca Portinca
Dir. Area Agraria Consorzio Ugento e Li Foggi e Arneo –
Dott. Antonio Bruno
First Researcher IRPI-
Ing. Maurizio Polemio
IRSA Research Manager-
Dott. Claudio Di Iaconi
They relate:
– Prof. M. Dolores Fidelibus, Prof. Gabriella Balacco (scientific directors of the MEDSAL Project)
– Dr. Ing. Alessandro Parisi, Ing. M. Rosaria Alfio
For more information on the MEDSAL Project, visit our