
The project is coordinated by the Soil and Water Resources Institute (SWRI) of the Hellenic Agricultural Organization, and involves 7 partners from 6 countries.

Principal Investigator (PI)OrganisationCountry
Dr. Petros DarasCenter for Research and Technology -HELLAS, Information Technologies Institute (CERTH)Greece
Prof. Dr. Christoph Külls Technische Hockschule Lübeck / Architecture & Civil Engineering, Laboratory for Hydrology and International Water Management (THL)Germany
Prof. Dr. Phaedon KyriakidisCyprus University of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering and Geomatics (CUT)Cyprus
Prof. Dr. Maria Dolores FidelibusPolytechnic University of Bari, DICATECh Dept (POLIBA)Italy
Dr. Fadoua HamzaouiFaculty of Science of Tunis, Department of Geology (FST)Tunisia
Dr. Cüneyt GülerMersin University, Faculty of Engineering (MEU)Turkey
Dr. Evangelos Tziritis (coordinator)Soil and Water Resources Institute, Hellenic Agricultural Organization (SWRI)Greece