The project is coordinated by the Soil and Water Resources Institute (SWRI) of the Hellenic Agricultural Organization, and involves 7 partners from 6 countries.
Principal Investigator (PI) | Organisation | Country |
Dr. Petros Daras | Center for Research and Technology -HELLAS, Information Technologies Institute (CERTH) | Greece |
Prof. Dr. Christoph Külls | Technische Hockschule Lübeck / Architecture & Civil Engineering, Laboratory for Hydrology and International Water Management (THL) | Germany |
Prof. Dr. Phaedon Kyriakidis | Cyprus University of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering and Geomatics (CUT) | Cyprus |
Prof. Dr. Maria Dolores Fidelibus | Polytechnic University of Bari, DICATECh Dept (POLIBA) | Italy |
Dr. Fadoua Hamzaoui | Faculty of Science of Tunis, Department of Geology (FST) | Tunisia |
Dr. Cüneyt Güler | Mersin University, Faculty of Engineering (MEU) | Turkey |
Dr. Evangelos Tziritis (coordinator) | Soil and Water Resources Institute, Hellenic Agricultural Organization (SWRI) | Greece |