Technische Hochschule Lübeck/Technical University, Germany (as of 1.9. 18, previously Lübeck University of Applied Sciences)

Partner full nameTechnische Hochschule Lübeck/Technical University, Germany (as of 1.9. 18, previously Lübeck University of Applied Sciences)
Partner short name THL

TH Lübeck is a university of applied sciences with 4 engineering departments for informatics, applied sciences, architecture, and civil engineering and mechanical engineering. TH Lübeck currently has close to 5.000 students and offers graduate and post-graduate study programs within all four faculties. TH Lübeck is one of the most successful universities in Germany in terms of research grants and third-party funding relative to staff size and maintains close innovation partnerships with more than 80 companies in the Baltic region. TH Lübeck offers international study programs within each of the departments including structure programs with the United States (Michigan) and with China (Shanghai and Hangzhou).

The Laboratory for Hydrology and International Water Management led by Prof. Dr. C. Külls forms part of the department of civil engineering. The hydrology laboratory hosts modern isotope laser spectrometry with instruments for high-precision stable isotope analysis of water and carbon using tunable diode lasers. The research group includes a staff of 5 researchers (4 PhDs and a laboratory engineer). The research focus of THL is on Environmental hydrology and groundwater hydrology including quantitative (recharge and flow) and qualitative aspects (salinization, residence time). TH Lübeck maintains excellent experimental facilities for prototyping. Based on its expertise, THL will mainly contribute to the application of environmental isotopes to all test sites, as well as to physical-based and compartmental modeling and hydrogeochemistry. THL will also be responsible for the Samos Island test site, which has a long record and data series due to previous projects. Overall, THL will be the Lead Partner in WP3 (Environmental Isotopes) and in 7 Tasks.

Principal Investigator and key members of the THL team

Dr. Christoph Külls (M) is a hydrologist holding a Ph.D. in hydrogeology with a focus on isotope hydrology and surface-groundwater systems. He is a professor of hydrology and international water management at the Technical University of Lübeck. Senior hydrologist, with 24 years of experience in water resources management of water-scarce regions, especially of the Mediterranean, with the advanced capacity to investigate both surface and groundwater resources. He has in-depth knowledge of water resources problems in the Mediterranean as initiator and coordinator of several major water resources assessment and management projects (Groundwater Recharge of the Eastern Mediterranean in Greece/Cyprus, Jordan/Israel, Re-evaluation of water resources of Cyprus, WADE project Spain/Israel).

Anna Androvitsanea (F) is a Ph.D. student at THL, holding a civil engineering degree from TU Athens and having regional experience in Greece and in the Samos Island test site. She is experienced and trained in hydrological and groundwater modeling and in the application of environmental isotopes.